Visit with the Animals
Animal Sanctuary
Founded in mid-2003 by Dr. John Pastore (Inn owner, animal lover and Boston cardiologist), the Mountain View Farm Animal Sanctuary is a non-profit Vermont corporation dedicated to providing farm animals, especially ones with a difficult past, with a good future and a chance at a long and healthy lifeSays Dr. Pastore, “I have no doubt that it will be good for the farm animals we are able to sanctuary, because we’ve seen that already, but maybe the greater effect will be a more general respect and affection for all animals, sanctuaried or not.”
The Mountain View Farm Animal Sanctuary is located on the same property as the Inn at Mountain View Farm, owned by Dr. Pastore and his wife Marilyn.
Inn guests and the general public are welcome to visit with the animals.
The idea of a sanctuary for large farm animals began informally in 2001 with the arrival of Molly and Emmy, a mother-and-daughter pair of miniature Sicilian donkeys, whom Pastore rescued from the petting zoo at a country fair. Emmy was two months old and on the verge of death when Pastore brought her to the Rochester Equine Clinic in New Hampshire. After 15 days in their newborn intensive unit, Emmy went “home” to Mountain View Farm where she is now healthy and thriving.
Since Molly and Emmy’s arrival, the sanctuary has welcomed Yorkshire pigs Eugene and Wilbur, Holstein steers Ben and Jerry, and sheep Rosie and Hillary, many of the others have equally somber stories and were saved from sad fates by Pastore’s good will.
The Sanctuary has a Board of Directors that combines veterinary skills and an interest in educating children on respecting life in all its forms The Board has identified fundraising as a major objective for the non-profit, so that the Sanctuary can become self-sustaining. To make an on-line tax deductible contribution to support the rescued animals at Mountain View, please visit
For more information about the sanctuary or to make donations, contact the Mountain View Farm Animal Sanctuary at Box 38, Darling Hill Road, East Burke, VT 05832, (802) 626-9924; or [email protected].